ARender can be easily deployed with Docker, follow this tutorial to know how!
At the moment, ARender HMI is in a migration phase towards docker-compose, the rendition server is still using the Dockerfile.
Let’s start with the rendition server, as we need to get its IP at the moment to edit the HMI war:
The Dockerfile possesses a build-arg allowing to choose the correct version of the rendition server.
As an example, using version 3.1.0-3:
For the HMI server:
Create a docker-compose.yml file with the following content: version: ‘2’ services: ARenderHMI image: tomcat ports: « 9090:8080 » volumes: – ./ARenderHMI.war:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ARenderHMI.war
Fetch the ARender HMI standalone war file and deposit it in the same folder as the docker-compose.yml file, rename the war in ARenderHMI.war (or if you wish to use another name, modify it in the docker-compose.yml file)
In the war file, modify in WEB-INF/classes/ the file named arender.xml in order to add the correct rendition servers IPs that you just launched using docker
http://localhost:1990/ this value must be replace depending on your settup
docker-compose up will then be enough to deploy for you an ARenderHMI exposed at port 9090