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ARender « Tiramisu » follow up

Written by Maxime | Feb 7, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Four month ago, we announced the public release of ARender « Tiramisu ». We now today have our first end of trials and clients leads pleased from the trial. We found it was the perfect timing for us to make a quick « Questions and Answers » blog post.


What is ARender Tiramisu?


Tiramisu idea is to propose to all Alfresco users the possibility to quickly and easily test ARender in their existing Alfresco instances. By default, it offers a trial period that can be later on extended to full usage under our own SaaS offer.


How does ARender Tiramisu work?


Tiramisu works by using an APIKey (generated at sign-up) on our own SaaS infrastructure and uploads the documents you wish to view on this platform. Once the document has been fully uploaded, ARender is opened and can be used without restrictions.

The document will be cached for an hour since last access before disappearing from our SaaS.


Do I need to install something to run ARender Tiramisu?


ARender Tiramisu is very simple, two plugins are provided once you sign up for the online trial and you simply drop them into your Alfresco installation (one for Share, one for Alfresco).

It can be a testing Alfresco, a demonstration Alfresco, as long as your trial period is valid feel free to try it out!