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ARender 4.1.0 release note

Written by Guillaume PRADET | Oct 30, 2020 4:00:00 AM

The ARender team presents here the release note for version 4.1.0 of ARender. The main modifications are: multidoc improvement, localization, words auto-selection, enhancement of connectors and bug fixes.

New features:

‣ Multidoc Actions

Using the configuration parameter visualization.multiView.showOnStart=true, you can now automatically open severals documents in the multiview mode. This multiview mode allows you to display and navigate in your documents in separate columns instead of having to jump from one document to another, loosing the page you were previously reading. This is a very interesting feature for all users who need to read and/or compare two or more documents at the same time. Document builder has been adapted to be used even in the multiview mode. Still about working with several documents at the same time, you can now use the new feature to download, in a zip file, and in their original format, all the document currently opened in ARender.


‣ Enhancement of Localization

Custom buttons can now be localized too. You can add translations of the description in an language supported by ARender. Moreover, to better support ARender in Asia, ARender is now able to have different localization for Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.


‣ Text Selection Assistance

So as to help users select text in a document, ARender now provides a familiar full-word text selection feature, as it can be already available in most document edition applications. When you want to select a text, the selection will automatically jump from one word to the next as you move your pointer over. Users can still move backward on their selection to define it precisely on the desired character.


‣ FileNet Connector: Logs improvement

Now logs in ElasticSearch will contain the FileNet document class and document description, so as to have a better understanding of the context and usage of ARender.


‣ Alfresco Connector: Inherited security

On an Alfresco platform, authorization in ARender is now inhereted from Alfresco roles:

  • Managers and collaborators have a full access.
  • Constributors cannot use the document builder and cannot modify other users’ annotations (including redact).
  • Consumers can only see annotations (including redact) on the documents, but cannot make any modification.


‣ Alfresco Connector: Opening a folder

You can now Open a folder in Alfresco. All the documents in this folder and its sub-folders will then be displayed in the same ARender instance.


‣ Alfresco Connector: Default configuration on ACA Docker

ACA docker has been updated to include, by default, the following features:

  • Opening two or more documents in the multiview mode.
  • Opening of a folder.
  • Opening document builder in the multiview mode.


Bug Fixes:

‣ General

  • Bug fix when annotations would rotate in the PDF export process
  • Bug fix when loading document requests could stack and slow document opening
  • Add a configuration to reduce UUID’s size to avoid error at document opening when the path to the file is too long
  • Bug fix when special characters wouldn’t be correctly displayed in emails
  • Enhanced bookmark performance
  • Bug fix when a big number of annotations on a document would slow the browser
  • Bug fix when end of line and carriage return in html files would break the rendition process
  • Enhancement of sync between annotations in the annotation panel and annotations in the document, for composite documents
  • In annotation edition mode, moving an annotation is not considered a change of the annotation for saving purpose, until edition mode is ended
  • Bug fix when a document is being reopened while it is still known by HMI but purged in the rendition server
  • Bug fix when an email body wouldn’t be completely rendered
  • Bug fix when rendition would still create a clone of the document in the default folder when this folder was changed in the configuration
  • Bug fix when sorting commentaries by date or users wouldn’t work properly
  • Bug fix when annotations number was incremented each time these annotations were sorted
  • Bug fix when annotations couldn’t be deleted if just modified
  • Bug fix when converting a text file to PDF would rotate the pages


‣ FileNet Connector

  • Bug fix when useless calls were made to FileNet when the information was already available in the XML
  • Unidentified users are now correctly redirected to the login page when trying to access the root ARender address


‣ Alfresco Connector

  • Bug fix when documents wouldn’t render if a folder was missing on the server
  • Documentation: describe a new parameter to add the compatibility with Alfresco 6 default authentication


‣ Docker Environment

  • TaksConversion tests don’t fail for concurrent access in a docker platform anymore


Known issues:

When viewing a large document, if users modifies the text of annotation which already has answers, and the user jump to a page far away in the document, then jumps back to the previous page, the answers to the modified text in the annotation might disappear. This behavior is due to the fact that ARender doesn’t store all annotations in a document as it used to, to prevent from crashes when there are too many annotations on a large document. The answers to the modified text are considered older than the text itself, and then, ARender tries to display the answers prior to the parent text. This leads to the answers being orphans and invisible. In any case this issue would happen, the situation can be solved by manually refreshing.