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ARender 3.1.3 release notes

The ARender team is proud to present the release notes for version 3.1.3, bringing new features and correcting bugs for ARender.

This list of new features and corrected bugs is to describe the vast majority of the novelties that have a direct impact on the use of ARender. A detailed list containing all bugfixes and features is available at: Changelog


New features

‣ New behavior

ARender annotations now load in sync with our streaming of pages mechanism. This means your browser will not load annotations for pages that have not been shown, saving some compute time and making the whole experience faster!


‣ New behavior ‣ Bugfix

Textual annotations can now be re-opened when autosave mode is on and the user is switching annotations from one textual to another. See the video below for more details on this feature.


‣ New behavior

As you may have seen in the previous video, the sticky notes received a visibility improvement and mainly for the reduced icon. This change of design allows to detect faster if any sticky note has been saved onto the document with this new icon.

sticky pin icon


Bug fixes

‣ Major bugfix

Text contained into textual annotations used to be cropped if the text box could not contain the entire text of the annotation. The font will now adapt itself until the entire text can fit the annotation.


‣ Major bugfix

Arrows could no longer be created because of the scale measurement, unsupported under IE8.


‣ Major bugfix

Multiple errors of documents mime type detection could fail de conversion of documents and therefore their display into ARender, this has been fixed.


‣ Major bugfix

Fixed an high availability issue when using both RMI protocol and the parameter « searchInRenditionTargets ». The forced search in all targets, including offline rendition servers, was causing RMI protocol to propagate exceptions while trying to browse documents. This has been fixed.


‣ Major bugfix

Fixed search functionnality, broken in version 3.1.2-1


‣ Major bugfix

Fixed refresh of the annotation explorer menu, broken in version 3.1.2-1


‣ Minor bugfix

The horizontal guide ruler can be moved after making it appear from the contextual menu.


‣ Minor bugfix

Support added to hebrew mail body.