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ARender 4.5.0 release note

The ARender team presents version 4.5.0 mostly about bug fixes and better performance of rendition.



‣ FileNet Connector

  • Bug fix when annotation style could disappear after saving.


‣ Generic Fixes

  • Bug fix when, on versions 4.4.X, opening multiview mode could lead to compare mode being opened instead.

  • Bug fix when hyperlinks could be misplaced on rotated pages on PDF documents.

  • Bug fix when text search could be very slow on PDF files.

  • Bug fix when the label of collapse/expand button on the annotation panel could disappear.

  • Bug fix when deleting a commentary on an annotation could also delete the annotation.

  • Bug fix when save button could appear even if no modification was made on any annotation.

  • Bug fix when escaping the full screen mode would change the zoom to an incoherent value. Now, after escaping full screen mode, the zoom level is always the one set in the configuration of ARender.


New features:

‣ Generic Features

  • Added an alternate description to images so as to comply to RGAA 1.1.1 & 1.1.3

  • Added parameters to choose if luminosity and contrast modifications apply to current page, to all the pages of current document, or to all the opened documents.

  • Optimization of the room used by luminosity and contrast in the top panel.

  • Better performance for PDF, Tiff and MP4 documents, preventing unecessary copies of temporary files.

  • Added whitelabel options to customize the name and the logo of the application.

  • Added a new way to select text on a page, by drawing a rectangle with ctrl or alt keys pressed.

  • Added an icon in the annotation explorer to indicate if the annotation is private.

  • Added the possibility to gather, via JavaScript, any selected text in a document. This feature can be used in an application which embed ARender, so as to fetch text in ARender and populate a text field in the embedding application (commonly called lasso mode).

  • Limited autosave and display of save button to situations when annotations have really been modified. Opening and immediately closing the edition mode will not display the save button nor will it trigger the autosave anymore.

  • Added a property to allow area redact and text selection redact features to be enabled separately.

  • Removed the color and thickness options on borders of redact areas, so as to match the equivalent situation when redact is made via text selection.

  • Added the option to calculate on-the-fly the best blend mode for highlight annotations so as to keep the text under it as readable as can be.

  • Reorganization of microservices in rendition: the Broker and DFS microservices fuse into one only microservice. The other 3 microservices do not autonomously call the broker anymore. All microservices now use a shared temporary folder. This new structure reduces the exchanges between the microservices and increases the performance of the rendition service.


‣ Docker Environment

  • Added Traditional Chinese and Korean fonts in docker images.

  • Added an environment variable to customize JVM options.


Known Issues:

Our qualification tests revealed several issues. Please find them below, in a decreasing level of impact order. Please check that none of these issues would endanger your production environment before installing this new version.

  • Opening a zip file while the watermark option is enabled can fail.

  • Printing all documents in a zip file can sometimes fail.

  • Downloading an .msg file through ARender, in its native format, can lead to the file being downloaded as an html file instead.

  • In a zip file, using the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen to scroll up and down very quickly can lead to a loss of the thumbnails in the document navigation panel.

  • On Tiff files, deleting an annotation can sometimes lead to the annotation not being deleted and persisting on the document.

  • Moving an annotation in a document can sometimes lead to a breaking of the link between this annotation and its commentary pop up.

  • When downloading a document with annotations, a stamp annotation with very thick borders can loose its content.

  • Text stamps on videos can sometimes loose their borders.

  • Opening and closing the document builder can lead to a loss of the name of a new document, when it was just created, but not saved yet.

  • If a page has sticky notes, rotating this page leads to the sticky notes to swap their width and length.