Technical blog

Release note for ARender 4.7.0

ARender 4.7.0 Release Notes

The ARender team presents version 4.7.0


‣ Alfresco

  • Optimization of calls to ACS, so as to improve performance.

  • Bug fix when saving a document in the document builder could lead to annotations being attached on the wrong page.

  • Bug fix when news feed on a document couldn’t be correctly displayed.

  • Bug fix when a document couldn’t be updated if document availability check was enabled.

  • Former Alfresco plugin has been split in two different plugins: one for ACS, and one for Share, so it is now possible to install ARender for one without the other.


‣ Filenet

  • Bug fix when a URL to a document with an encrypted document ID could still be used after its own expiration time.


‣ Generic Fixes

  • Bug fix when an error in the default configuration parameters would enabled the cache sharing of renditions on a same subnet. It is now disabled by default, and must be activated only in a shared temporay files storage architecture.

  • Bug fix when a missing converted file, while the initial file was still available, would lead to a persisting error, preventing from opening the document.

  • Bug fix when searching in right-to-left language would fail.

  • Bug fix when loading the default document would fail if the corresponding temporary file were to be evicted from the temporary storage. ARender would then only show empty pages.

  • Bug fix when a container document (such as emails or zip files) were to contain an unsupported file and ARender would try to render this document several times, leading to users having to wait for a long time before being able to see the files after the unsupported one in the container document.

  • Bug fix when the HMI would try and ask for the rendition of a corrupted or unsupported document several times in a row if it is in a ZIP file.

  • Bug fix when MSOffice process would be left running after rendition failure. From now on, ARender will shut down this process, to avoid using ressources for no reason.

  • Reimplementation of an end point to request the eviction of a temporary file on the rendition server if needed.

  • Bug fix when copying a right-to-left text would fail and copy the characters in the wrong order.

  • Bug fix when data in the cache of the broker would persist for an undefinite time, leading to keeping the associated temporary files on the storage.


New Features:

‣ Alfresco

  • Added a parameter to determine the maximum value of the number indicated how many times a document has been copied.


‣ Filenet

  • Comparision feature now available on ICN.


‣ Generic Features

  • Added support for .emz files.

  • New repartition algorithm, based on weighted randomness. The higher weather score a rendition has, the more likely it is to be chosen for the next request. This is an important feature for applications with a lot of users, as before this feature, all requests would be sent to the same same between two weather polling, leading to big waves on one server each time.

  • application/x-php files are now supported as PDF files.

  • Added support of HEIC files.


User Interface / User Experience:

‣ Annotations

  • Better look and feel for sticky notes. Added smooth animations on folding and unfolding responses.

  • Sticky notes now have a top header, visible only on hover over. The delete button for the annotation is now on this header.

  • A sticky note can now be selected by clicking on its background.

  • It is now possible to choose between displaying the full name of the creator, or their initiales. If the annotation is not large enough to display the complete full name, it will be truncated and followed by an ellipsis.

  • The button to fold/unfold responses to an annotation can now have its color adapted to the background color, so as to always stay visible.

  • When a sticky note is selected, a small border appears, with a darker shade of the background color of this annotation.

  • Added an animation for send and reply buttons. They can have only an icon, or an icon with a text description. Another option allows to display only the icon, but the text description appears on hover over.

  • If a text area is empty, its size is reduced to a single line, so as to prevent annotations to overload the screen and make the document harder to read.

  • As text is writen, the size of the text area adapts until it reaches a maximum height, which trigger usage of a vertical scroll bar.

  • When the color of a sticky note is very light, text areas have a small border, to help users recognize them.

  • The contextual menu on the sticky note allows deletion of the whole sticky note, or only responses.

  • Default date format is now dd/mm/yyyy, hh/mm


‣ Top Panel

  • Rework of sliders for brightness, contrast and opacity. A text area can now be used to specify a precise value. Maximum, minimum and default valeur for sliders are -100, +100, and 0. They can be changed via parameters in the configuration files.

  • Rework of the color picker to allow a larger choice of colors.

  • When automatic annotation save is disabled, the save button for annotations is now dynamically disabled and greyed if no modification is to be saved. It is enabled as soon as a modification is made on an annotation, or as soon as a new annotation is created. When triggered, an animation is displayed to inform the users their save request is being considered, even if the save of annotations isn’t completed yet.

  • Sub-menus don’t open when hovering the mouse over their icon anymore, but when clicking their icon. It prevents hard manipulations when users need to hover over the icon of the sub-menu, then go and click the icon of the feature they want to activate, without hovering the pointer outside of the sub-menu.

  • Sub-menus are now drop down lists. Each item has an icon, a description and a shortcut if it exists for this feature.

  • Annotation buttons are now by default directly in the top panel. They can still be gathered in a sub-menu if needed.

  • All 10 annotation buttons have shortcuts by default. These shortcuts can be modified via properties or via beans.

  • Download and open/print buttons are now split in two different sub-menus.

  • Top panel is split into sections separated by a blank space. Each section can have thin separators between two sub-sections.

  • Annotations do not need a separated button for repeat mode. By enabling the new feature in the parameters, the repeat mode can be accessed by double-clicking the annotation button. Repeat mode can still be applied by triggering the ‘PrepareAnnotationCreationRepeatableEvent’event if needed. When in repeat mode, the annotation icon is lightened in blue by default (this color can be changed). When not in repeat mode, the activated annotation button is lightened in white.

  • The ellipsis on the annotation panel now gathers all the icons which don’t fit in the top panel due to lack of width if applicable.

  • The “About ARender” button is now available in the ellipsis.

  • When the screen is not wide enough to display all the annotation buttons, they are then gathered in an annotation sub-menu.


‣ Navigations Panel

  • Tabs are now displayed vertically, on the left-hand side of the screen. Tabs can be used to open a navigation panel, to change the currently displayed navigation panel, or to close the navigation panel, so as to make more room for the document with just one click.

  • All navigation panels now have the same width, except for the annotation explorator, which stays a little larger than the others, so as to help reading the content of annotations.

  • Rework of look and feel of arrows on the separator. They appear when hovering the mouse pointer over the separator, anywhere on its whole height.


‣ Generic Enhancement

  • Normallisation of style for scroll bars on all the elements of the screen, except for browser which don’t allow this customization (IE and FireFox).

  • New icons. These icons are now part of a font. It is now easier to change their format or color, and the number of requests for static files has been reduced.

  • Added color variables in the css file, so as to allow customization of the colors of all the elements at the same time.

  • Added new property to switch from one color theme to another easily: dark style, light style, and custom style.


Known issues:

  • On save, sticky notes can move a few pixels down the page. This issue is fixed in 4.7.1 version.

  • Search sub-menu, when search panel on the left is not enabled, can sometimes leak out of the screen, and prevent users from clicking the right arrow for next result occurrence. This issue is fixed on 4.7.1.

Except for these two issues, our QA tests did not raise any issue or regression on this version.