Technical blog

Release note for ARender 4.8.10

ARender 4.6.10 Release Notes

The ARender team presents version 4.6.10 of ARender.


‣ Generic Fixes

  • Fixed issue for the Freetext annotation when the edition mode was exited by a click on the top panel.
  • Fixed issue for printed documents and downloaded documents with annotations when annotations were not visible because of a redaction placed on top of it. Annotations are now always above redactions.
  • Fixed issue for document builder feature when a child document was not known by the cache.
  • Fixed issue for document images centered when some pages are larger than others.
  • Fixed issue for the visualization of documents having pages with different widths which was requiring constant zoom adaptation by the user.
  • Fixed issue for the visualization of e-mails when Thaï characters were not displayed correctly.
  • Fixed issue for the name of downloaded documents having a title with Thaï characters.
  • Fixed issue for the name of downloaded e-mails having the title of the mail object instead of the mail title itself.
  • Fixed issue for images, in e-mails signature, displayed as a new document instead of being displayed in the mail itself.
  • Fixed issue for binary documents downloaded with ARender that dit not have any extension.
  • Fixed issue for annotations containing Thaï characters that were not displayed correctly on a downloaded PDF with annotations.
  • Fixed issue for e-mail subject containing Thaï characters that were displayed correctly.
  • Fixed issue for e-mail body containing Thaï characters that were displayed correctly.
  • Fixed issue for a txt file not shown because of a NUL at the end of the file.

New Features:

‣ Generic Features

  • E-mails body encoding can now be applied to E-mail headers (if the following property is activated: emltopdf.encode.header.with.body.encoding=true).

  • E-mails header dates are now dependent on the end-user timezone.

  • E-mails date format is now configurable.

  • E-mails containing Chinese and Japanese characters are now supported.

  • Large improvement of Unicode character support for e-mails.

Known issues:

No specific issues have been revealed by our QA team.