Technical blog

Release note for ARender 4.8.0

ARender 4.8.0 Release Notes

The ARender team presents version 4.8.0 of ARender.


‣ Filenet

  • Bug fix when a document created with the document builder would be uploaded with an incorrect MIME type.

  • Bug fix when thumbnails wouldn’t appear for video documents if the FileNet connector was intalled on the rendition side.

‣ Generic Fixes

  • Bug fix when downloading documents as a zip file would lead to the adding of a wrong extension, making the file quite hard to open on the user’s computer.

  • Bug fix when documents could have their filename changed for no real reason after download.

  • Bug fix when the installer couldn’t install FFMPEG correctly.

  • Bug fix when rotation a page could resize the free text annotations on this page.

  • Bug fix when dropdown lists wouldn’t be available on Mozilla FireFox, when locale is different from English, specifically for selecting the highlight type.

  • Bug fix when resizing the window could make icons in the top panel impossible to use.

  • Bug fix when annotation buttons would still appear on mobile devices even when they were not supposed to be displayed.

  • Bug fix when the edition bar of an annotation comment section would be shifted as user entered edition mode.

  • Bug fix when annotation would stayed selected after deleting its comments section.

  • Bug fix when text search would fail on a video with at least one textual annotation.

  • Bug fix when an annotation would stay selected after deletion of another annotation. Now deleting an annotation cancels any annotation current selection.

  • Bug fix when an email wouldn’t be correctly displayed if it included non unicode encoding.

  • Bug fix when downloading a PDF version of a document could lead to encoding being corrupted. Specific non latin alphabets could then appear as special characters.

  • Bug fix when dates in a email could be writen in a different language than the rest of the email itself.

  • On HMI server, log4J elements have been replaced by logBack equivalents, so as to adhere to the pratices on the rendition server.

  • Bug fix when rejected documents option would work as expected. Now if this option is activated, users have a correct message when trying to display non-supported document types.

  • Bug fix when navigated between documents could lead to redaction squares being recolored in black by default.


New Features:

‣ Docker Environments

  • Added the possibility to add sidecars to containers.


‣ Filenet

  • Added the possibiity to get authenticated with different users on the same Windows session.


‣ Generic Features

  • Added a better way to deduce file extensions for downloaded documents. If the ECM connector specifies a document MIME type as “application/octet-stream” ARender will now try to analyse the binary file and deduce a better MIME Type, so as to put the right extension and allow user’s station to open the downloaded document easily.

  • Added a better way to manage emails, displaying embedded images directly in the email body pages instead of considering them as separate attachements.

  • Added a better default way to display dates in an email, simulating how they appear in Microsoft Outlook.

  • Added tabs between text areas, so as to mimic separate columns when copy-pasting text from a document opened in ARender.

  • Added a new button to copy-paste the whole text of a document. The page streaming system of ARender technically didn’t allow this feature by default with a classical quadruple-clic on the document.

  • Changed the default value of document.vertical.slider.use.legacy.scrollbar.limit.pages to 2 so as to allow a more adapted scrolling system for documents with one of two pages only.

  • Added support of Thai, Japanese, and Chinese Mandarin for email rendition.

  • Added recognition of UTF-16LE encoding as a text file.


Performance and Monitoring:

  • Added the possibility to deactivate tags in metrics.

  • Added the possibility to deactivate metrics push when registry won’t be available.

  • Added the MicroMeter module so as to allow injection of metrics in different monitoring systems.

  • Added a correlation ID to enable linking events from the rendition side and events from the HMI one.


User Interface:

‣ Hyperlinks

  • Added the source text of a hyperlink in the annotation panel.

  • Added tooltips on hyperlinks to show the target.

  • Added a repeat mode for hyperlink creation.

  • Added a new way to create hyperlinks using events that any application embedding can trigger to indicated the target of a hyperlink as it is being created. A similar event is also triggered by ARender when users create a new hyperlink so as to inform the other application that it can send the target information in response.

  • Added a blue frame around hyperlinks in a document, so as to stick to the behavior of Adobe Accrobat Reader.

‣ Annotations

  • Added an option to link page rotation with free text annotations rotation.

‣ Navigation Panels

  • Removed signatures panel for video documents.

‣ Other Features

  • Added the possibiity to change the fuzz on image comparison with a parameter in the URL of ARender. This parameter is

Known issues:

No specific issues have been revealed by our QA team. Please note that due to internal issues, this version could not be completely tested on FileNet. Therefore, please wait for the 4.8.1 version if you need to use ARender in a FileNet production environment.