Technical blog

Release note for ARender 4.8.0

ARender 4.8.6 Release Notes

The ARender team presents version 4.8.6 of ARender.


‣ Generic Fixes

  • Fix an issue when some annotations were not rotated correctly on some PDF that already had an existing rotation
  • Fix an issue when the annotation sort by user name was sorting upper case letters after lower case letters
  • Fix a user interface issue when the background of a Stamp FDF annotation (document downloaded with ARender) had a shadow behind it.
  • Fix an issue when the stamp rotation was not applied on a downloaded PDF with FDF annotations.

‣ FileNet connector fix

  • Fix an issue when the document title was text only but should be in HTML format
  • Fix an issue when the Document Navigator was shown even if deactivated when using the three parameters below:
    • documentbuilder.enabled=true
    • documentbuilder.activateOnStartup=true
    • documentbuilder.hideDocumentNavigator=true
  • Fix an issue when the document opening with XML failed when the document title was not encoded


Known issues:

No specific issues have been revealed by our QA team.