Technical blog

Release note for ARender 2023.3.0

ARender 2023.3.0 Release Notes

The ARender team presents version 2023.3.0 of ARender.

Download links:

The changelog is available at the end of this article

New version highlights


β€£ Docker

πŸ›‘οΈ Security updates on both the UI and Rendition side

Multiple updates have been made to our Docker images to enhance security. 

New features

β€£ UI

🌟 New Beta Features with Enhanced UX/UI
Several new beta features are now available for our customers! We've transitioned part of our code from GWT to ReactJS. Along with this, we have added exciting improvements to the thumbnail view.

  • πŸŽ›οΈ Customizable Thumbnails: Use a slider to select between 1 and 4 columns for the thumbnail display.
  • πŸ“„ Multiple Document View: Choose to display all pages, the first page only, or just the title for multiple opened documents.
  • πŸ“‘ Document Dropdown: A dropdown list lets you easily select and view any document in your collection.
  • πŸ“š Improved Document Order Management: This beta feature resolves a major limitation by allowing the correct management of document order between complex and simple documents. Complex documents (e.g., ZIP files, emails with attachments, and virtual documents) can now be ordered before simple documents, which is not possible in the default version (TMAPR-4911, AR-14264).

Configuration: new UI activation is done by disabling the below parameter in the URL or the client configuration:

  • ui.legacy.enabled=false


πŸ“§ Automatic Email Client Launch

When clicking on an email link within a document, ARender automatically opens your default mail client, with the email address pre-filled in the "To" field (TMAPR-4781, TMAPR-4530, AR-13028).


πŸ–οΈ Programmatic Highlighting of Predefined Zones
ARender now allows integrators to programmatically highlight predefined zones on any document without reloading the page, using a script (AR-16740).


The documentation will be available soon. In the meantime please see the below API definition:

getARenderJS().getAnnotationJSAPI().addAnnotation(UUID, "Highlight", x, y, w, h, pageNumber, color, opacity);

Usage example below:

getARenderJS().getAnnotationJSAPI().addAnnotation(getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId(), "Highlight", 50, 150, 100, 50, 0, "#FF0000", 1.0);

Changelog - Complete list



AR-13028 Open end-user mail client for the click on a "mailto:" link.

AR-16676 [PICTREE] Integrate new design to properly display complex documents


AR-16964 [Security] Web-UI Spring Boot Docker image is no longer affected by Log4Shell

AR-16851 [Security] Update arender-ui docker base image

AR-16852 [Security] Update all rendition docker base image

AR-16890 [Security] Upgrade Hazelcast

AR-16083 [UX] Search Panel - The click on the search panel button now places the cursor directly in the search field

AR-16786 [UX] Annotation not saved - Let the user navigate freely in the document

AR-16785 [UI] Direct Office - Excel - All columns are now on the same page

AR-10971 [JS API] Reset all UI elements when opening a new document via JS

AR-16721 [JS API] Lazy load documents using JS API

AR-16740 [JS API] Add Highlights using JS API

AR-17002 [JS API]Expose part of the client configuration

AR-16883 [Configuration] The Annotation filter applied on the page view is now configurable

AR-16351 [Configuration] UI - Zoom in/zoom out steps value is now configurable

AR-16669 [Configuration] Rendition - Default timeZone for emails is now configurable

AR-16169 [Documentation] Add details on cache/disk space configuration

AR-16589 [Documentation] Update the hyperlink feature of the documentation

AR-16912 [Documentation] Supported formats for compressed archives are not in the documentation

AR-16977 [Developpement] Sample connector - Update to 2023.2.2 (


AR-14264 Fix documents order in navigation panel is wrong with document with attachments

AR-14482 Fix rendering issue with PDF produced by WSCAD

AR-16361 Fix for specific DICOM viewing issue - Integrate ImageMagick 7.1 1 in our installer and Docker images

AR-15926 Fix compatibility with NFS

AR-15858 Fix PDF pages not visible in ARender

AR-16041 Fix the layers' title names with AutoCAD documents

AR-16703 Fix some specific MP3 file openings that fail

AR-16856 Fix an issue for a specific email

AR-16873 Fix viewing issue for specific PDF files

AR-16888 Fix the conversion issue for specific emails

AR-16894 Fix rendering issue for specific PDFs containing Cyrillic characters

AR-16901 Fix unhealthy broker obtained after a search

AR-16933 Fix specific annotations not displayed when created with ARender version 3.1.10-1

AR-16946 Fix translation for some Arabic terms

Known issues

Visualisation of documents
  • Connectors
    • Alfresco connector
      • Document activity is not displayed in Alfresco
  • Unsupported document type:
    • On CentOS: Windows Metafile (.wmf) documents are not supported
Visualisation of annotations
  • Sticky Note
    • annotation.stickyNote.hide.details property is not supported for now